
The benefits of using WordPress to build or host small online business are numerous. For the sake of conciseness and objectivity, let’s look at the ones native to the platform’s latest edition.

WordPress Features That Will Help Your Online Business Grow

As the 6.0 version became available in May 2022, it featured an easier transition between the different themes and an improved site editing experience.

It’s cheap

WordPress is an open-source website hosting and development platform. As such, its integration does not entail any initial costs. If you already have a hosting provider, just go to WordPress.org, get the website builder, and unleash your creativity. If you are still looking for one, visit WordPress.com and check their latest managed hosting deals. Staying on the price topic, using either of the two WP solutions won’t break the bank in the long run. Let’s look at the figures.

How much does WP cost?

If you have previous website building experience and average coding skills, you can save up to $1,000 on hiring a web designer. WordPress.com’s cheapest hosting plan costs about $3 per month. It’s better to sign up for managed hosting for a WordPress website from a prominent provider like BlueHost or HostGator.

The basic theme pack for your small business site is free, but premium ones aren’t cheap. You should be ready to spend about $200 on themes. The cost of plugins may vary depending on what functionalities your site needs. You can rent plugins from the WP marketplace or buy them upfront.

Unlimited customization possibilities

As an open-source solution, the latest version of WP came with even broader customization possibilities under the default 2020 theme. The new building blocks of WP 6.0 enable a complete site overhaul in just a few hours. That’s particularly useful if you suddenly decide to explore a new business niche with a brand-new product list. And if the new market requires that you alter your website’s look, WP 6.0 will let you do it with a single click of the Style button.

WP is made to measure

Under normal circumstances, the faith of every small business is to grow and expand. However, small online companies quickly switch to Survival Mode when market conditions become inclement. Aware of these fluctuations, WP core developers have made it easy for users to scale down their plugin inventory during economic stagnation. Conversely, they can splash a few thousand dollars on themes and plugins when the skies clear just as quickly. Without binding contracts and underlying fees, WordPress is the most scalable CMS you can download for free.


WooCommerce makes online sales a breeze

WooCommerce is a powerful sales funnel builder and e-commerce platform that provides seamless integration of numerous payment methods. With WooCommerce’s out-of-the-box templates, you’ll never have to worry about getting your online store up and running. The platform’s user-friendly dashboard lets you stay on top when orders start to pile. The refund issuing algorithm is very straightforward, too. In short, WooCommerce by WordPress is the most affordable and flexible sales funnel builder you can find online.

Stunning mobile view for your site

Nowadays, most online purchases happen from mobile devices. Therefore, your small business website must be 100% optimized for mobile view, and WordPress makes achieving this goal easier than ever.

Unmatched mobile responsiveness

All of the default themes and plugins of WordPress 6.0 meet the latest mobile optimization requirements. Every webpage you set up with the WP 6.0 editor is optimized for mobile browsing by default. This feature accounts for a higher google ranking and improves the visitor’s overall experience on your site. You can thus focus on the website functions you need without worrying if they will work on one’s phone or tablet.

Full site ownership

Few online businesspeople have thought about their website’s actual ownership. First, your domain name is the exclusive property of the registrar. Next, your hosting provider owns the physical server the site’s on. Lastly, the site’s design and code are copyrighted by the designer and developer you hired. And while small online businesses do not have to consider site ownership issues that much, it’s reassuring to know that the site you built with the WordPress editor is entirely yours.

Never worry about SEO again

You can rest assured that every piece of content you upload on your WordPress site will instantly undergo an SEO checkup. With the inbuilt plagiarism checker, you can stop worrying about possible copyright infringements. The platform’s AI-powered optimization tool will automatically make suggestions so that your posts appear on Google’s first page. It will also alert you as soon as your site needs fresh content.



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